For ZAPPAS23/09/27[水]-23/10/03[火] @ 八犬堂ギャラリー

Graffiti writer
Spamdog / Spamdog 

● 主な技法:Spray

Yeah baby!


Spamdog Profile

1980年 Hull,England生まれ

0University of the West of England, Bristol 卒業


2022 Continental Drifters - Dareshack, Bristol
2023 Art Baboo, Yokohama
2023 For Zappas - Hakkendo Gallery, Tokyo
2023 Kenzan 2023, Tokyo
2023 Peace de Mirai - Mitsukoshi Department Store, Tokyo
2024 Live Like Legends - Humber Street Gallery, Hull

I’m an artist involved in the 1990s Hull, and early 2000s Bristol graffiti scenes in the UK.

Drawing, painting, spraying and making artwork helps us to process the things we can’t explain in words. Hyper-saturated commercial and social media platforms pay millions of dollars to bamboozle your eyes and wrestle control of your mind with brands and image. What’s so wrong with you going out and writing your name on a wall and expressing yourself freely?
